Hello, my name is Pamela Lammersen, I am a freelance photographer originally from New Zealand but now live in Minneapolis MN, USA.
Photography is; I would have to say, my #1 pastime (well after my dogs that is). I first became interested in photography at a young age while watching and listening to my father (who at the time was a photographer), talk about photography and being allowed to sit in the darkroom while he developed his work.
I purchased my first camera (a 110 flip camera-by Kodak) at the age of 14 during a family trip to The Netherlands, to visit relatives. I still remember the first photo I took – it was a “really bad” photo taken of the view outside our hotel room in Singapore (by the way I still have that photo). From that day I was hooked, and have taken 1000’s of photos since.
In the future I hope to expand my knowledge and photographic experiences in all areas, also to work with conservation and animal rescue organizations to help bring knowledge to everyone about the wonderful animals we share this world with.
Thank you, and enjoy.
- Pamela -